- poski
- щека
Finnish-Russian custom dictionary. 2014.
Finnish-Russian custom dictionary. 2014.
Proto-Uralic language — Proto Uralic is the hypothetical language ancestral to the Uralic language family, which includes Finno Ugric and Samoyedic. The language was originally spoken in a small area in about 4000 BCE, and expanded to give differentiated protolanguages … Wikipedia
Poschiavo — Poschiāvo (spr. poskĭ ), deutsch Puschlav, Marktflecken im schweiz. Kanton Graubünden, im Tal P., an der Berninastraße (Poststraße), (1900) 3102 E … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Puschlav — Puschlav, italienisch Vạl Poschiavo [ poski aːvo], Talschaft des Poschiavino im Kanton Graubünden, Schweiz, auf der Alpensüdseite vom Berninapass (2 323 m über dem Meeresspiegel) bis zum Tal der Adda (Grenzort Campocolongo 553 m über dem… … Universal-Lexikon
region — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Area of indefinite extent Nouns 1. region, sphere, ground, soil, area, hemisphere, latitude, meridian, zone, clime, climate; quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle; vicinity, neighborhood,… … English dictionary for students